STO Boycott

Last Updated 11:15PM (-5:00 GMT), Feb 9th, 2012

What is STO Boycott?

STO Boycott is a call on Star Trek Online players to not pay money to Cryptic nor participate in their Dilithium Exchange or C-store for Star Trek Online.

This call is being made due to the recent decisions Cryptic Studios has made in Star Trek Online, most notably the Cardassian Lock Box and the Winter Package (Red Holiday Gift). These items are seen by many as a scam where an iconic (and arguably over powered) ship is made available through extreme odds which are not officially disclosed by Cryptic and design to scam hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars from players seeking to acquire the ship.

The hope is if enough players restrain from participating in Cryptic's Revenue generating system (C-Store/Dilithium Exchange) that Cryptic will stop this non-sense and offer fair ways to access these ships as well as to persuade them not to sell "I Win" items. I also hope this will send a clear message to Cryptic Studios that Star Trek should be about "exploring strange new worlds" with new story content and missions, not a micro-transaction system that focuses on having the best ship and weapons.

What do I need to do?

Simply do not participate at all in C-Store purchases (and preferably stay away from the dilithium exchange) or at least, do not buy any lock box keys or similar grab bag related items. You can also help spread the word by using the #STOboycott hashtag on Twitter!


Why stay away from the Dilithium Exchange? Isn't it a free in-game means to get this stuff?

The Dilithium Exchange is an illusion of getting C-Store items in-game without any real world money being involved. While it is true if you do not buy, with real money, a single C-Store point, the reality is you have generated revenue for Cryptic. All the C-Store points on the Dilithium Exchange were generated with real world money. Some of it is a stipends which require a player to pay Cryptic money for a subscription while others are purchased directly by a player. So while you may not have used real money, someone else did!

Also, most would agree that an 'in-game' method involves no real world money cost aside from buying the game or maintaining a subscription. Since C-Store points had to be purchased with additional money, this makes the C-Store an out-of-game resource, regardless if you obtained them through the exchange.

Why are you doing this?

Cryptic feels what they are currently doing is ethical because they are making money. I wish for Cryptic to realize that there are ethical business practices and unethical ones by showing them the power of our wallet. A business who runs ethically still makes money and most often in the long run gain the most while those choosing to do unethical practices will only win in the short run before burning out.

Here is a small list of some of Cryptic's unethical practices: